I’ve discovered the cure for a New Year’s Day hangover. It’s not a pill and it’s not a bowl of menudo. In fact, it’s nothing to be ingested; not intentionally anyway.
Personally, I don’t suffer from hangovers. I guess I’m just lucky that way. I figured out a long time ago that if I limit my alcohol intake, my hangover incidence rate drops dramatically. Keep in mind, that’s just anecdotal evidence so it may not apply to others.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I would be attending the New Year’s Day Dolphin Dip Extravaganza. While I was there, my main question for TriRiot was, “Why do so many people come out in the cold and jump in the cold ocean water?” Such behavior seems to go against everything normal. The video below offers a couple of answers, but I think the real answer is that a dunk in 50 degree water is enough to snap anyone out of the worst New Year’s Day hangover.